Friday, April 1, 2011

Adding a tip in all possible places on a tree

An R-sig-phylo list server, Matthew Vavrek, just posted to inquire as to whether anyone could suggest an algorithm to add a tip to the tree in all possible places (i.e., along each edge of the tree). I contributed my solution, which works by using the {ape} function bind.tree(); but I wonder if anyone else can suggest a more elegant version. The function bind.tree() is designed to merge two trees; the trick here is that we want to add a tip - not a tree.

This is how I did it.

Say, we start with a random, unrooted tree with 4 species. Of course, 4 is arbitrary here - we could start with a tree of any length.

tree<-rtree(n=4,rooted=FALSE,br=rep(1,5)) # random tree
# create a 5th species, here "t5", to add as a "phylo" object
# [I don't think this can be avoided with bind.tree()]
new.tip<-list(edge=matrix(c(2,1),1,2),tip.label="t5", edge.length=1,Nnode=1)
# we have "tricked" R into thinking that new.tip is a tree
# add the new tip to all edges of the tree
trees<-list(); class(trees)<-"multiPhylo"
for(i in 1:nrow(tree$edge))
# now plot them to see what we have done

And that's it - we have created (and plotted) our four taxon starting tree with a fifth species added in all possible positions!

Of course, we could generalize this with the following function:

   # add the new tip to all edges of the tree
   trees<-list(); class(trees)<-"multiPhylo"
   for(i in 1:nrow(tree$edge)){

After loading the function above, and {ape}, let's try it:

> tree<-read.tree(text="((George,Paul),(Ringo,John));")
> trees<-add.everywhere(tree,"Pete_Best")
> plot(trees,type="unrooted")


1 comment:

  1. After making a small change suggested (here) by Emmanuel Paradis, I have now posted this function online. Direct link to code is here.


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