Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Coloring tip nodes in phylomorphospace3d

I was just corresponding with a phytools user & essentially the lack of an argument node.col in the function phylomorphospace3d was broached.

Why this option doesn't exist, I couldn't tell you; however it is relatively easy to circumvent because the function invisibly returns a list of functions which can be used to plot points, lines, planes, etc., back in the original (simulated) space.

Here's a quick example, using simulated data:

tree ## our tree
## Phylogenetic tree with 26 tips and 25 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  A, B, C, D, E, F, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
X ## our data
##          [,1]         [,2]        [,3]
## A -2.84172235  1.148037248  1.64782403
## B -2.05052328  1.431708869  1.15202298
## C -1.24686168  1.946696167  1.54897262
## D -0.52310503  0.573110584  0.46436125
## E -0.55578283  0.813448906  0.40254794
## F -0.51150759  1.733066759  1.49429840
## G  0.53936198  1.816801753  1.86050506
## H  0.01234429  2.302339855  2.63078614
## I -0.01684737  1.810997083  2.22857705
## J  1.32317051  2.492348110  0.55660832
## K  0.39032083  1.138053408 -0.42215854
## L  1.35224610  0.701773929 -0.73233992
## M  0.06642055  2.393143196  1.67769111
## N  0.53170462  2.387858206  1.07395647
## O  1.33893651  1.869361233  1.18002858
## P  0.16788769  1.722551818  0.03908209
## Q  0.72826260  0.591128118  1.23662094
## R  0.79698877  1.310841641  1.38182879
## S  0.08976056  1.727227579  2.10565084
## T  1.37506375 -0.551729936 -1.73123720
## U -1.09244120  0.960226117 -1.01694632
## V -0.75692309 -0.002878853 -1.02230472
## W -0.53535698 -0.168545803 -1.33846396
## X -0.26869690 -0.241183840 -1.14188545
## Y  0.19315024  0.282576551 -0.89620379
## Z -0.56460363 -0.613852876  0.98093216
y ## our character we want to map on the tips
##   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R 
## "c" "c" "b" "b" "b" "a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" "b" "c" "c" "c" "a" "c" "b" 
##   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
## "b" "b" "c" "b" "c" "c" "c" "c"

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

That's it.

The tree & data were simulated as follows:



  1. Dear Liam,

    I've been playing around with the function phylomorphospace3d and my data and everything seems to work fine. However, I've been struggling when trying to remove the individual labels of each data point (it's difficult to interpret the phylomorphospace because all the labels overlap, so it would be great just to remove them). After checking the documentation, I applied the ftype='off' control parameter without any success, so I would really appreciate some help! thanks a lot!!

    1. Hi Tom.

      Removing tip labels for method="dynamic" (the default, which uses rgl internally) can be done with the argument control=list(ftype="off").

      Removing tip labels in method="static" is not possible in the current CRAN version; however I just pushed a fix to GitHub. You can install this version from GitHub using devtools & it works the same way as in the dynamic plotting option.

      - Liam

    2. Thanks a lot for your help Liam that was really helpful!

      best wishes

  2. Liam - can we change the tip colors in method="dynamic"? I can't seem to get it to work.

  3. We see the coloring pages for kids of a question in light of the fact that the light falling on it contains an indistinguishable colors from the protest.


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