Saturday, March 11, 2017

Bug fixes for non-flat prior on the root node in make.simmap (and for MCMC method)

A couple of different phytools users have reported a bug (e.g., here) in make.simmap for values of the prior distribution on the root node other than the default.

This bug was one that I evidently accidentally introduced into make.simmap with the best intention of allowing users to send optional arguments to the internally used function fitMk for optimizing the transition model or computing the likelihood.

I believe that I have now fixed this bug; however I await user reports to the contrary (should they be necessary).

I also detected and (hopefully) fixed (1, 2) a second bug in make.simmap(...,Q="mcmc") that I believe I must have introduced at the same time.

Just to mention a little bit about the difference between the default method (Q="empirical") and Q="mcmc". The default method first maximizes the likelihood of the transition matrix, Q and then uses this “empirical” value of Q to sample character histories for the discrete trait from their posterior distribution. By contrast, Q="mcmc" is essentially a fully heirarchical Bayesian method in which (first) nsim values of Q are sampled from their posterior probability distribution using Bayesian MCMC. and then (next) nsim character histories are obtained via stochastic mapping. In the event that multiple trees are input, an MCMC will be run on each tree.

Here's a quick demo on simulated data. (Simulation conditions are given at the end.

First, let's try the Q="empirical" (default) method; however I will also impose a prior on the root node to have state "a" with probability 0.90:

## [1] '0.5.81'
## Phylogenetic tree with 64 tips and 63 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  t63, t64, t50, t51, t13, t45, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
## t63 t64 t50 t51 t13 t45 t46 t20 t48 t49 t47 t30 t56 t57 t15 t12 t21 t22 
## "a" "a" "a" "a" "b" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" 
##  t8  t1 t26 t27 t52 t53 t23 t28 t29 t10 t11 t34 t35 t33 t54 t55 t14 t37 
## "a" "b" "b" "b" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "b" "b" "a" "b" "b" "b" "b" 
## t43 t44  t2 t24 t25 t18 t19 t58 t59  t7  t9 t36 t41 t42  t5 t16 t17  t3 
## "b" "b" "b" "a" "a" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "a" "b" "b" "b" "a" "a" "a" "a" 
##  t4  t6 t31 t32 t61 t62 t60 t38 t39 t40 
## "a" "a" "b" "a" "a" "a" "a" "b" "a" "a"
## prior on root node
##   a   b 
## 0.9 0.1
## make.simmap is sampling character histories conditioned on the transition matrix
## Q =
##           a         b
## a -1.136101  1.136101
## b  1.136101 -1.136101
## (estimated using likelihood);
## and (mean) root node prior probabilities
## pi =
##   a   b 
## 0.9 0.1
## Done.
## 100 trees with a mapped discrete character with states:
##  a, b 
## trees have 18.31 changes between states on average
## changes are of the following types:
##        a,b  b,a
## x->y 11.54 6.77
## mean total time spent in each state is:
##               a         b    total
## raw  11.0705364 4.9707401 16.04128
## prop  0.6901281 0.3098719  1.00000

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Now we can compare the Q="mcmc" method as follows:

## Running MCMC burn-in. Please wait....
## Running 10000 generations of MCMC, sampling every 100 generations.
## Please wait....
## make.simmap is simulating with a sample of Q from
## the posterior distribution
## Mean Q from the posterior is
## Q =
##           a         b
## a -1.135897  1.135897
## b  1.135897 -1.135897
## and (mean) root node prior probabilities
## pi =
##   a   b 
## 0.9 0.1
## Done.
## 100 trees with a mapped discrete character with states:
##  a, b 
## trees have 18.49 changes between states on average
## changes are of the following types:
##        a,b  b,a
## x->y 11.73 6.76
## mean total time spent in each state is:
##               a         b    total
## raw  11.0470643 4.9942122 16.04128
## prop  0.6886649 0.3113351  1.00000

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Most likely, at least under the defaults for both methods, our posterior probabilities at all nodes should be similar:

plot(sum.emp$ace,sum.mcmc$ace,xlab="empirical Q",ylab="Q sampled using MCMC")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

The tree & data for this demo were simulated as follows:



  1. Nice! This will solve the issue. Thanks!

  2. Hi,

    When trying to set Q to "estimated" I get the following message: formal argument "Q" matched by multiple actual arguments

    LIkewise, when trying to set a pi at the root, I get the message: formal argument "pi" matched by multiple actual arguments.

    Please, would anyone know the reason why?

    1. This is a bug that I believe should already be fixed. Which phytools version are you using? If the latest CRAN version, and you still encounter this problem, I would recommend installing from GitHub using devtools.


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