Last year I published an article describing a penalized likelihood
approach to fitting an evolutionary model to quantitative trait data in which the rate of evolution itself,
\(\sigma^{2}\), evolved under a geometric Brownian motion process, implemented in the phytools function
Even though I think this is a pretty neat model, one of its limitations is that penalized likelihood optimization is very slow.
To try to help with that, I recently
pushed a phytools
update that adds parallelized numerical optimization to multirateBM
using the cool CRAN package
Let's see how it works.
Why don't we start by loading a tree and dataset. In this case, I'll use a tree and body size dataset for 49 species of mammals from Garland et al. (1992).
## [1] '1.2.2'
OK. We're ready to test out the parallelized version of multirateBM
Unlike, fitMk.parallel
, which I
blogged about this summer,
parallelization is not implemented as a separate function in multirateBM
, but as a function option:
Let's see.
First, I'll fit my model using parallel=FALSE
, the default. Then I'll repeat with parallel=TRUE
Even though multiple optimization methods are available in multirateBM
, I'll stick to "L-BFGS-B"
box constrained, quasi-Newton optimization routine), because that's what is implemented in
Finally, I'll wrap each of my optimization chunks in system.time
so that we can get a timing from our
R system.
## Beginning optimization....
## Optimization iteration 1. Using "L-BFGS-B" optimization method.
## Best (penalized) log-likelihood so far: -230.967
## Done optimization.
## user system elapsed
## 89.30 0.92 90.28
## Multi-rate Brownian model using multirateBM.
## Fitted rates:
## U._maritimus U._arctos U._americanus N._narica P._lotor M._mephitis
## 0.013659 0.013007 0.126694 0.024988 0.017302 0.153454
## M._meles C._lupus
## 0.011781 0.178708 ....
## lambda penalty term: 1
## log-likelihood: -57.689982
## AIC: 311.379964
## R thinks it has found a solution.
## Beginning optimization....
## Using socket cluster with 8 nodes on host 'localhost'.
## Optimization iteration 1. Using "L-BFGS-B" (parallel) optimization method.
## Best (penalized) log-likelihood so far: -230.967
## Done optimization.
## user system elapsed
## 1.19 1.04 48.95
## Multi-rate Brownian model using multirateBM.
## Fitted rates:
## U._maritimus U._arctos U._americanus N._narica P._lotor M._mephitis
## 0.013659 0.013007 0.126694 0.024988 0.017302 0.153454
## M._meles C._lupus
## 0.011781 0.178708 ....
## lambda penalty term: 1
## log-likelihood: -57.689982
## AIC: 311.379964
## R thinks it has found a solution.
Neat. We should see that we've obtained exactly the same solutions from both parallel=FALSE
, but the latter was produced in around half the time on my computer. (Results will
vary, obviously!)
The reader also may have noted that I didn't specify the number of cores to use. I could have, using
the optional argument ncores
, but if I don't, then multirateBM
will try to figure out how many
cores I have using parallel::detectCores
, and then print the results to screen:
Using socket cluster with 8 nodes on host ‘localhost’
Let's plot our fitted model!
## generate plotting object
## Object of class "multirateBM_plot" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 49 tips and 48 internal nodes.
## (2) A mapped set of Brownian evolution rates.
## change color (needs viridisLite package)
## graph
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