Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Some updates to the function rateshift for detecting temporal shifts in the rate of phenotypic evolution on a phylogeny

A phytools user recently reported persistent optimization errors using the phytools::rateshift function for a large phylogenetic tree.

rateshift fits a model with one or multiple temporal rate shifts on the phylogeny, but whose positions are not known or hypothesized a priori by the investigator. For more information about this method, check out Chapter 5 of my recent Princeton University Press book with Luke Harmon (which, by chance, is 50% off from May 15-26).

I’ve made two small updates (1, 2) to rateshift with the hope of improving optimization performance as follows. (1) I wrapped our call to the optimizer in a try function call which (in theory) should cause rateshift to repeat any optimization iteration that fails, rather than returning just quitting. This is valuable because I’ve discovered that it’s not uncommon for rateshift to get into trouble on the likelihood surface and find parameter space where the likelihood is not defined or can’t be computed. (2) I use foreach (from the foreach CRAN package) to parallelize multiple optimization iterations across computer cores.

Just to see how this all works, let’s try simulating a tree & dataset with a single, known rate shift – and then fitting our model to these data to try to identify the temporal position of that shift.

To take advantage of these new options in rateshift, we should update the phytools package from its GitHub page using devtools.

## load phytools
## [1] '1.9.2'

Starting with simulation, I’ll use make.era.map to paint my generating regimes on the tree with a shift and rate 75% of the total tree height above the root.

## simulate phylogenetic tree
## simulate rate-shift 75% of the total 
## tree height above the root

Now I’ll run the original optimization iterations (rateshift does 10 by default) in serial, but with try added to help ensure our optimization doesn’t fail. I’ll wrap my function call in system.time so that I create a record of how long this takes.

## Optimization progress:
## |..........|
## Done.
##    user  system elapsed 
##   97.88    1.23  531.17
## ML 2-rate model:
##       s^2(1) se(1) s^2(2)  se(2) k   logL
## value  11.67 3.324  1.151 0.1375 4 -656.3
## Shift point(s) between regimes (height above root):
##         1|2 se(1|2)
## value 73.81   3.381
## Model fit using ML.
## Frequency of best fit: 0.7 
## R thinks it has found the ML solution.
## Opened cluster with 10 cores.
## Running optimization iterations in parallel.
## Please wait....
## Done.
##    user  system elapsed 
##    1.00    0.28  154.72
## ML 2-rate model:
##       s^2(1) se(1) s^2(2)  se(2) k   logL
## value  11.67 3.324  1.151 0.1375 4 -656.3
## Shift point(s) between regimes (height above root):
##         1|2 se(1|2)
## value 73.81   3.383
## Model fit using ML.
## Frequency of best fit: 0.7 
## R thinks it has found the ML solution.

Hopefully we see that our shift point is close to the generating value (75) and the same across our two different optimization routines.

Lastly, let’s plot our fitted model and a likelihood surface of the rate shift, just for fun.

## Computing likelihood surface for 2-rate (1 rate-shift) model....
## Done.
text(x=75,y=mean(par()$usr[3:4]),labels="generating shift",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22


OK. I bet that worked even better than you expected.

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