Monday, March 7, 2011

Creating a star phylogeny

I just posted up a function to create a star phylogeny (that is, a completely unresolved multifurcating tree) on my R phylogenetics page (code here). Very simple, and it seems likely that this can already be done with an existing R function that I am not aware of.

Basically, recalling back to the structure of a "phylo" object in memory, we just need to create an edge matrix containing n+1 (for n species) in the left column and 1:n in the right column:

edge[,1]<-n+1; edge[,2]<-1:n

Then we can optionally assign branch lengths, if they have been provided by the user:

if(!is.null(branch.lengths)) edge.length=branch.lengths

Finally we combine these elements into a list and assign the class "phylo":


and we're done.


  1. Well, there is stree() in ape which already does this, but...

    > system.time(for(i in 1:100000){x<-stree(100)})
    user system elapsed
    15.13 0.00 15.46
    > system.time(for(i in 1:100000){x<-starTree(100)})
    user system elapsed
    2.91 0.00 2.98 appears your function runs faster. stree() is no slouch though, at ~15 seconds for 100000 star with 100 tips.

  2. Thanks Dave. stree() looks like a handy function as it also can be used to create balanced and pectinate trees. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. My function also allows the inclusion of branch lengths. [Of course, this would also be possible with stree() and just one additional step.]

    1. Hi Liam,
      I wonder how can I add branch length to the starTree function?



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