I submitted the following code fragment:
nchanges<-5 # desired number of changes
ntrees<-100 # desired number of trees
ntaxa<-100 # desired number of taxa
require(phytools); require(geiger) # required packages
for(i in 1:ntrees){
# simulate a stochastic B-D tree using birthdeath.tree
# compute the rate that results in (on average) nchanges changes
# simulate a stochastic history
# loop until desired number of changes
# for fun, plot the history
# tip states for the kth tree are in mtrees[[k]]$states
This is for a desired count of 5 changes on the tree. The way it works is by first computing the substitution rate that will produce an expected number of changes of 5 (in this case); and then by simulating repeatedly with this rate, retaining only those simulations that result in 5 changes on the tree.
The result is stored in a "simmap" style tree; with tip states in the list component $states.
Below is an example of a tree simulated using this method, but with nchanges=10 and plotSimmap(...,pts=0,fsize=0.7):

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