Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fix to fastAnc

A colleague recently reported bad behavior in the fast ancestral character estimation function fastAnc that he hypothesized was due to the fact that I extracted the total number of tips in the tree using the shorthand N<-length(tree$tip) in place of N<-tree$tip.label. In principle this shouldn't be a problem because list elements, unlike variables, can be called by any unambiguous abbreviation of the element name (that is, if we use the $ operator - see below).

So, for instance:
> exampleList<-list(x=c(1,2),test=c("A","B","C"))
> exampleList$t
[1] "A" "B" "C"
> exampleList$test2<-c("D","E","F")
> exampleList$t # no longer umambiguous
> exampleList$test
[1] "A" "B" "C"

As an aside, if we want to call elements in a list accepting only an exact match the name, then we have to use [[ instead of $. So, for instance:
> exampleList$test2<-NULL
> exampleList$t
[1] "A" "B" "C"
> exampleList[["t"]]
> exampleList[["test"]]
[1] "A" "B" "C"
> # tell R to allow partial match
> exampleList[["t",exact=FALSE]]
[1] "A" "B" "C"

This is the reason why either:
> tree<-pbtree(n=112)
> length(tree$tip)
[1] 112
> # or
> length(tree$tip.label)
[1] 112
will, generally speaking, serve equally well in computing the number of tips in a tree.

However, what the exercise above inadvertently shows is that if we were to create a custom "phylo" object (which we have every right to do), we could do so by adding an additional list component, for instance $tip.states. If we did, it could create confusion when we compute the number of terminal species in the tree using length(tree$tip). So, for instance:
> x<-fastBM(tree)
> tree$tip.states<-x
> length(tree$tip)
[1] 0
> length(tree$tip.label)
[1] 112

This suggests that it might not be the best programming practice to assume that length(tree$tip) will invariably compute the number of species in the tree. I have updated fastAnc, here, but I know for a fact that this kind of code shorthand exists in other functions of the phytools package as well. I will try to update these as time goes on.

BTW - in that example with the custom element $tip.states, here is what fastAnc does:
> fastAnc(tree,x)
Error in root(btree, node = i) :
 incorrect node#: should be greater than the number of taxa
> # load the updated source
> source("fastAnc.R")
> fastAnc(tree,x)
       113         114         115  ...
-0.59341281 -0.03688321  0.89743347  ...


  1. Uh, I think there's a typo above, with a missing length argument. I think you meant: "N<-length(tree$tip) in place of N<-length(tree$tip.label)."

    Anyway, yeah, I agree these shorthands are extremely dangerous, having added a custom element of my own ($root.time) to trees output in paleotree. At the moment, there is no programming recommendations for our community in handling the ape 'phylo' objects, but that will probably become a necessity as time goes on.

  2. David. You're absolutely correct of course (and I'll leave the error so that your comment continues to make sense). Thanks for pointing it out and adding our example. Liam


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