Monday, December 2, 2013

Rphylip in Mac OS X

I just tried Rphylip in R on Mac OS X. It appears to work fine, although the internal function findPath will not - so the full path to the PHYLIP executables needs to be supplied by the user. However I also discovered that is is very important that the installation protocol for Mac OS X described here on the PHYLIP installation page needs to be followed or else it will not work. Since this protocol involves commands that can be executed from the terminal, I may write a simple R script for Rphylip that will run these commands for the user to make it even easier.

More soon.


  1. Hi Liam,

    This is a very cool project you're building. A very common package manager being used by a lot of mac users is called Homebrew, which can also be used for installation of phylip (there is a "tap" of Homebrew called homebrew/science). Homebrew installs packages in it's own directory, by default "/usr/local/Cellar", and in the case of phylip, the full path is "/usr/local/Cellar/phylip/3.695/bin". Not sure if it's a worthwhile modification to the findPath function but Homebrew makes maintenance of a lot of packages quite easy.

    1. Hi. I'm adding this now.

      Can you verify that the path is /usr/local/Cellar/phylip/3.695/bin and not /usr/local/Cellar/phylip-3.695/bin (or, for that matter, /usr/local/Cellar/phylip-3.695/exe)? I don't have a Mac (or Homebrew), but on my lab Mac PHYLIP is in /Applications/phylip-3.695/exe. Thanks!

      All the best, Liam

    2. OK - I added this path to findPath; however I did not change setupOSX as I don't know if the 'special instructions' are required for packages managed with Homebrew. Please let me know if this would be helpful.
      All the best, Liam

  2. the correct path is /usr/local/Cellar/phylip/3.695/bin for homebrew

  3. The newest version of Rphylip works with the current version of phylip installed through homebrew! Thanks, Liam!

    1. Glad to hear it! Thanks for letting me know. Liam


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