Friday, August 26, 2016

Updates to tip label printing and summary method for "cophylo" objects

I just pushed a couple of small updates to the object class "cophylo" plotting method - in particular pertaining to the spacing of tip labels and what to do with underscores in species label names.

First, I recently discovered that (accidentally) by using sub instead of gsub, I was substituting only the first underscore character "_" for a space character " " in species names, instead of all such characters.

This was very easy to fix as gsub works the same way as sub, except that it substitutes all instances of a character pattern as desired, instead of just the first encountered.

Next, however, I realized that the width in a plotting device of "_" and " " differ by more than a factor of two (although this may vary between device types). E.g.:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## [1] 0.02792554
strwidth(" ")
## [1] 0.01196809

but in computing where to draw the links to tip labels, I had been using strwidth(tree$tip.label) rather than strwidth(gsub("_"," ",tree$tip.label)).

Finally, I have made some changes to the S3 summary method for the object class "cophylo" so that the association matrix prints more nicely! In particular, I tried to space the columns by the longest name in the matrix, rather than just by using tabs.

So, for instance, here is the old methods:

## Rotating nodes to optimize matching...
## Done.
## Co-phylogenetic ("cophylo") object: obj 
## Tree 1 (left tree) is an object of class "phylo" containing 3 species.
## Tree 2 (right tree) is an object of class "phylo" containing 3 species.
## Association (assoc) table as follows:
##  left:   ----    right:
##   A_B_C  ----     A_B_C 
##   C_D_E_F_G_H_I_J_K_L    ----     C_D_E_F_G_H_I_J_K_L 
##   D_E_F  ----     D_E_F

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

This problem of spacing is particularly apparent, I think, if we shrink the font size:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Now, let's load the updated source code from GitHub:

## Co-phylogenetic ("cophylo") object: obj 
## Tree 1 (left tree) is an object of class "phylo" containing 3 species.
## Tree 2 (right tree) is an object of class "phylo" containing 3 species.
## Association (assoc) table as follows:
##  left:               ----    right:
##  A_B_C               ----    A_B_C
##  C_D_E_F_G_H_I_J_K_L ----    C_D_E_F_G_H_I_J_K_L
##  D_E_F               ----    D_E_F

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Much better. phytools can also be updated to its latest version from GitHub using devtools.

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