Saturday, February 25, 2017

Testing hypotheses about Pagel's λ in phyl.RMA

Yesterday I received the following question by email:

“I submitted a paper for publication using your phylogenetic RMA code [phyl.RMA(x, y, tree, method="lambda")] and received a reviewer comment that they would like me to test whether my λ values are significantly different from zero or not. I am no R guru and have scoured the internet R forums looking for help on this topic to no avail. Do you have suggestions how to modify the code to test if λ is significantly different from 0 or not?”

This turns out to be quite straightforward now. There is no logLik S3 method for the "phyl.RMA" object class; however the likelihood is printed & it is straightforward to pull it out. The following example illustrates how we can go about doing this.


Here's our data & tree:

## Phylogenetic tree with 30 tips and 29 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  t20, t21, t18, t19, t22, t23, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
##         t20         t21         t18         t19         t22         t23 
##  1.74081803  0.33676433 -2.50478160  0.89857946  1.76875257  3.08699370 
##         t11          t6          t3         t14         t15         t12 
##  0.15106911  0.66324229 -3.41883563 -0.04319447  1.68108703  0.64884875 
##          t4         t13         t27         t28         t10         t16 
## -0.44859035  4.86755607  5.47266102  4.87278387  1.89486242  0.77032544 
##         t17          t7          t8          t2          t1         t29 
## -1.28424131  0.35679219  0.54643104  1.66794272  0.67532856  0.69751983 
##         t30         t26          t9          t5         t24         t25 
##  2.47659363  1.85573177  0.99397157  1.88833299 -3.51120262  0.00644626
##        t20        t21        t18        t19        t22        t23 
## -1.4604984 -1.1234784 -1.8955693 -1.1046771  0.5031821  0.7232508 
##        t11         t6         t3        t14        t15        t12 
## -1.3182090  0.7771434 -5.0391041 -0.7060600  0.1528692 -2.3452736 
##         t4        t13        t27        t28        t10        t16 
## -0.4259814  5.0943036  4.5370231  3.8153191  2.4929304  1.4140231 
##        t17         t7         t8         t2         t1        t29 
## -0.2126191 -1.3148316  0.1247963  1.7954273  1.6049011 -0.5283464 
##        t30        t26         t9         t5        t24        t25 
##  0.6998745  0.8378205  0.7286870  1.0226437 -3.5451315  0.4713685

Now let's fit our phylogenetic RMA:

## ML value of lambda<-phyl.RMA(x,y,tree,method="lambda")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)           x 
##  -0.5950063   0.9436907 
## VCV matrix:
##          x        y
## x 1.606109 1.267578
## y 1.267578 1.430324
## Model for the covariance structure of the error is "lambda"
## Estimates (or set values):
##       lambda       log(L) 
##    0.6244482 -104.6795675 
## Hypothesis test based on Clarke (1980; Biometrika):
##        r2         T        df         P 
##  0.699423  0.559378 22.745176  0.581371 
## Note that the null hypothesis test is h0 = 1
## fixed lambda=0

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)           x 
##  -0.8051448   1.0389307 
## VCV matrix:
##          x        y
## x 1.300902 1.157591
## y 1.157591 1.404163
## Model for the covariance structure of the error is "lambda"
## Estimates (or set values):
##    lambda    log(L) 
##    0.0000 -109.1883 
## Hypothesis test based on Clarke (1980; Biometrika):
##        r2         T        df         P 
##  0.733581  0.391534 22.485945  0.699089 
## Note that the null hypothesis test is h0 = 1

We can see that the ML(λ) model has a higher log-likelihood (it must have an equal or better likelihood since λ=0 is a special case); however this comparison does not tell us which model to prefer.

One option for picking the better model is through the use of a likelihood-ratio test. This is conducted as follows:

## [1] 0.002674072

This suggests that our more parameter-rich model fits significantly better than our simpler λ=0 model.

We can also similarly compare our ML(λ) model to a simpler Brownian model (equivalent to fixing λ=1).

## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)           x 
##  -0.5049189   0.8606773 
## VCV matrix:
##          x        y
## x 7.754927 5.955602
## y 5.955602 5.744582
## Model for the covariance structure of the error is "BM"
## Estimates (or set values):
##    lambda    log(L) 
##    1.0000 -117.5431 
## Hypothesis test based on Clarke (1980; Biometrika):
##        r2         T        df         P 
##  0.796187  1.758561 22.027273  0.092539 
## Note that the null hypothesis test is h0 = 1<-2*($logL-fit.BM$logL)<-pchisq(,df=1,lower.tail=FALSE)
## [1] 3.932632e-07

This shows that even though our ML value of λ is closer to 1 than 0, the former is much more strongly rejected than the latter. This can be seen even more clearly if we plot our likelihood surface for λ:

logL<-sapply(lambda,function(l,x,y,tree) phyl.RMA(x,y,tree,method="lambda",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

That's it.

BTW, the data & tree for this example were simulated as follows:


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