phytools is quite a new package - I posted the first release of phytools in June, and it has been available through CRAN only since late August. Several phytools functions have been cited already, but the package as a whole has not yet had time to accumulate significant citations (although a few are beginning to trickle in).
I was pleased to find today that the phytools package had been cited in a recent Journal of Experimental Biology article by Grim & colleagues. Unfortunately I was somewhat dismayed to discover that phytools was cited improperly, as follows (p. 3756):
None of the datasets, including enzyme activity, protein level and UI, included a phylogenetic signal [as indicated by Blomberg’s K using the phylogeny published by Takezaki et al. (Takezaki et al., 2003) and the ‘phytools’ package in R (R Development Core Team, 2008); P>0.05].
(In other words, phytools has been attributed to the R Development Core Team, and not to me.)
It is generally very easy to find citation information for any R package that you are using - just type citation("package-name") at the command prompt. So, for phytools this would look something like this:
> citation("phytools")
To cite phytools in publication use:
Revell, L. J. (In press) phytools: An R package for phylogenetic
comparative biology (and other things)
Methods Ecol. Evol. doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00169.x
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
As phytools is continually evolving, you may want to cite its version number. Find it with 'help(package=phytools)'.
Don't forget, of course, to also cite package dependencies - particularly those on which the functions that you used for your analysis rely; and the R statistical computing environment (as Grim et al. rightly do, above).
Evidently, the DOI on that article is bad so the link above does not work (at least not at present). Here is an alternate link to the article.